
Green is the color of nature while also being associated with money. It is generally a cool and calming color you get by combining blue and yellow. When you use an RGB color model, green is a primary color.

Green in color theory

Green is one of the main colors in color theory, with a lot of different use cases. Let's look at some frequently asked questions about the color green.

How do you mix green?

You can create green by mixing blue and yellow. On the color wheel, green is a secondary color. However, in RGB, it is a primary color that you can mix using 100% green and 0% blue and red.

The type of green you get depends on the balance between the blue and yellow you use to mix. For example, adding more yellow and less blue will give you a very bright apple-like green. On the other hand, if you add more blue, the result will be a turquoise green.




What are the color associations of green?

Green has two main associations; nature and money. But, funnily enough, these are considered to be quite the opposite of each other.

On the one hand, green colors make people think of tropical paradise, grass, and trees. It's very calming and closely related to nature. Money, on the other hand, is quite the opposite. Dollar bills are green, and most money-related icons also show green bills.

Making money is not as calm as when green is used for nature-related colors. As a result, green is a challenging color for landing pages and branding purposes because some people might relate to it, while others feel less at ease when they see a green logo.

What is the opposite of green on the color wheel?

Each color has an opposite on the color wheel. For green, the opposite color on the color wheel is red. You'll get an in-your-face and high-contrast color scheme if you use both in your color scheme.

Color schemes

With the versatile green at your disposal, multiple color schemes are possible. For example, you could create a monochromatic color scheme with multiple shades of green. High-contrast color schemes that include both green and red are also possible.

Let's take a look at some more examples.











Nick Groeneveld

About the author

Nick Groeneveld


Hi! I'm Nick Groeneveld. As a senior designer, working with color theory has become my second nature. In recent years, I've helped companies improve their websites and apps by making better use of color theory.